I was recently looking at my blog stats and I noticed that my '
What to do When You're Bored' post was the 5th most viewed post and this got me thinking! Why not do a Halloween edition of What to do When You're Bored? Since most of you wanted to see a seasonal post, this is what I decided to do!
Imagine this, it's October 31st and everyone is in a hurry getting ready for the evening, cooking up a spookily delicious meal and decorating the house. It's so busy that you're told to entertain yourself for a few hours before everyone arrives for a frightfully brilliant party. Well what do you do now? You're very bored and just can't wait for the evening so you decide to look for ideas. Now you've found a list with everything you're looking for and here it is! Take a look:
.Watch a movie-this one may be pretty obvious but it really does help pass the time, remember to look up if they are appropriate for whoever's watching! Here are some of my recommendations:
-Hocus Pocus
-The Corpse Bride
-Caspar the Friendly Ghost movies
-Little Vamprire
-Hotel Transylvania
-Monster House
-Edward Scissorhands
-Harry Potter series?
-Shaun of the Dead
-The Witches
.Read a book-you may not get through these in one day, but reading a spooky book can really get you in a Halloween mood. I strongly recommend the book Scarlett Dedd, it's absolutely amazing, I could hardly put it down! It was just the right mixture of creepiness and humor, perfect for young teens! Once you've read the book, you should totally check out
the blog that goes along with it, it's part of the story! Instead of reading this, you could always try a classic one such as Dracula or Frankenstein or perhaps read a few short ghost stories?

.Make something-this one involves a bit of creativity and skill but you could always make something for Halloween! Decorations are a great idea, you could try making orange and black bunting, hanging decorations (such as bats), a spectacular centerpiece or something else of your choice! There are tons of tutorials online ranging from very simple to extremely difficult but you could just use your own ideas that include materials you already have!

.Bake something-if there's room in your kitchen, this idea is so fun for you to do! Grab a few ingredients and a recipe then hit the kitchen! Why not bake cupcakes, biscuits or create some snacks? It's all about the fabulous decorations! You could create spiderwebs or pumpkins on some of the cupcakes or turn gingerbread men into mummies, skeletons, vodoo dolls or zombies.Your bakes make great party food if you're planning to have family or friends around in the evening!

.Write a short ghost story- You don't have to be the best writer to do this, all you need is a bit of imagination and time! Surely Halloween is the best time to do this? For inspiration you can read a few stories online or perhaps find some eerie images that give you some ideas.

.Create a monster- This activity can be changed to fit what you feel like doing. You can either draw or make your own monster using whatever you have at home. Be as creative as you like and once you've finished you could even write a story or poem to go with it or post a tutorial on your blog (if you have one) on how to draw or make it! Inspire others to do the same! You can then display it with pride at your party or simply in your own room! If you still have more time, you could make a few!
.Read my Halloween posts- If this isn't self-promo, I don't know what is ha-ha! Anyway, in the past I have published several posts at this time of year that offer inspiration for a fiendishly fabulous time, Here are the links to... the
'Halloween Costume Ideas 2015' post, the
'How to Create Zentangle Inspired Artwork' post, the '
Halloween costume ideas' post (from last year), the
'How to Draw a Mexican Day of the Dead Skull' post and the
'How to Make Halloween Glasses' post for you to check out. Not only will reading these posts kill some of your time, it will also provide handy tips that you may need for the frightfully fun day!

.Create small gifts- If you're having a Halloween party at your house or you're going to one, it may be a good idea to put together small gifts for guests in the time you have during the day. Why not make bookmarks, mini purses, monster models (from the Create a monster section earlier), small accessories or something else that you can adapt to be Halloween themed. If you aren't that creative, you could always go on a mini shopping trip to put together bags of small treats!

.Decorate-This might not be a job for you but if you're allowed to, you can decorate the house before anyone arrives! This is such a fun thing to do and can get you really excited for the festivities! If you can't decorate the whole house on behalf of your family, you could just decorate you own room! My ideas for decorating are:
-Put up your own spooky drawings on the wall to show off your artistic skills
-Use a large black bin bag as a creepy tablecloth for your snack table
-Put fake spiders (with their webs) in the corners of the room

-Swap your ordinary lightbulbs for coloured ones to add a creepy feel to a party room
-Cut eyes into empty loo rolls and in the evening, put glowsticks in them. Hide these in nearby bushes to scare passers-by!
-Put colourful sequins on the table to add a splash of colour
-Find hanging decorations in specialist stores and hang them around the room
-Place candles (skull shaped ones of Autumn scented ones) on empty surfaces
There are so many decorating ideas that you can find online, those are just the ones I use! Don't forget to decorate the front door to let Trick-or-Treaters know you've got treats for them!
That's it for my ideas on how to stay entertained on the day of Halloween this year! I hope you've enjoyed my tips and found my recommendations helpful! Have a great Halloween! Here's a question for you to answer in the comments: what are you dressing up as for Halloween this year? I'm dressing up as a creepy broken doll! Remember to check out my
Halloween costume ideas post from last year if you still don't know or my new
'Halloween Costume Ideas 2015' post with guides on how to wear the costumes too! :)
PS: Have you seen my new blog template? I've chosen a new Autumnal background and colour scheme! I may change my template along with the seasons! Pineapples were for Summer, leaves are for Autumn and then there'll be templates for Winter and Spring later on! Tell me what you think of the new look!
PPS: Please vote in the poll, that is going on at the moment, on the right side of my blog screen! It ends very soon!