Enough about banana bread eh? Today I made a set of drop scones. No wonder they're called drop scones-you'll see a picture later. Even though they ended up a like a little bit of a flop, they tasted really good. Homemade produce is always the best. Before they were cooked they looked like this.

But alas! They had changed considerably. You just have to see them. Take a look below-on the tray picture you can see the change the most.
So you can see why they're called drop scones now can't you? I don't know whether they're supposed to flop down like that-but they did. They tasted delicious though and as you can see on the last two pictures, I enjoyed mine with juicy red strawberry jam. They were very sweet. You should try baking your own goodies-I'm still looking forward to my scrumptious dessert of banana bread this evening.
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