Step 1- Find out what country is hosting the program that year (this year it is Austria by the way)
Step 2- Research traditional main meals, desserts and perhaps drinks that they have in that country
Step 3- Find some recipes that you like the look of for the food and buy in ingredients
Step 4- Print off the list of countries, music artists and songs in a table then cut them up into slips and fold them up really small
Step 5- Print off (or draw) small rectangles with two flags next to each other inside (only flags of countries that are taking part in the Eurovision final) and then take the same amount of cocktail sticks as there are rectangles and wrap a piece of double-sided sticky tape around them all (separately). Then fold every rectangle (with two flags on) around the sticks so it makes a min double-sided flag!
Step 6- Follow the recipes
Step 7- Put all the folded up pieces of paper in a bowl or something similar and divide the number of acts up between the guests. Once you know the number of pieces of paper everyone needs get them to randomly pick that amount of folded up bits and open them in front of everyone
Step 8- Once the countries have been chosen then everyone needs to pick up all of the mini flags that mach the countries on the bits of paper
Step 9- Dish out the food a while before the program comes on and you can have the desert later during the program
Step 10- Everyone can wave their mini flags as their chosen acts come on the screen and whoever's country wins gets a mini prize (whatever you want to give out)
I hope you have enjoyed today's post about how to host a dinner party for eurovision (wow that rhymed and I didn't even realise). It was only 10 simple steps on how to create the perfect dinner party! Enjoy the final 2015!
PS: We only have a dinner party for the final so we can celebrate the winner (we also only watch the final in my family).