Fun Activity
Colouring is a relaxing activity that I love to do! It can also help artistic people develop their colour application skills. I have noticed that as I colour more and more, my shading and blending is improving! I recently started my 'Colouring Quest' blog series all about one of my favourite hobbies at the moment:colouring! If you are considering buying yourself a colouring book and a pack of pencils, you should check out my blog series to help you learn!
Snack to Try
Frozen yoghurt or yoghurt bark is a delicious snack that is easy and fun to make. It is simple to personalise with your favourite fruits, nuts and other toppings! To make, line a tray with grease-proof paper, then spread yoghurt on it, next put your toppings on it and finally freeze it for a few hours or overnight. Once the yoghurt is fully frozen, you can snap it into small pieces and enjoy! It is a slightly healthier alternative to sugary desserts so you should try it as a tasty treat!
Recommended Website
TofuCute is an online kawaii shop which sells cute Japanese products such as plushes, sweets, stickers, pens, novelty erasers and more! TofuCute is based in the Uk and ships worldwide so it is easy to make an order. I made a post in the past with my kawaii items and if I buy anything else, I may share them on this blog again!
One of my favourite things to read at the moment is Daphne's Diary. I love that every page is so gorgeous with pretty patterned backgrounds, cute doodles and more! The content of this magazine is very creative! there's craft projects to try ad businesses to inspire you. There's not just crafty articles though, there's some travel spreads that are gorgeous to look at. In every issue there are a few little goodies such as stickers that I love to use in happy mail as well as in other creative projects. I reccommend this magazine to anyone who loves to create because you'll love pouring over every pretty detail in here!
Over to YOU:
What things do you reccommend? Let us all know in the comments!
Yay! More RWYC!! :D <3 I love this one so much!
ReplyDeleteI'll definitely check out LittleHotTamale on YouTube! Her happy mail videos sound great! Looking forward to more of the Colouring Quest blog series! I had a look at the Tofu Cute site and omigosh their products are so kawaii!! I'd love to see more of what you bought from there! I think I'll buy some of their kawaii products myself too since they look so adorable. ^^ I remember buying a kawaii panda and a kawaii wafflecone erasers in WH Smith for 99p. I'm not sure if it's Tofu Cute though - I'll have to check! ^^' Daphne's Diary sounds like a fabulous magazine! The cover looks so pretty too. :D I'll look it up!
As for recommendations, have you heard of kawaiisweetworld on Youtube? She makes super delicious recipes. :D I'd also recommend Disney Style (for inspirational Disney-style DIY)! :D
This was a brilliant read Megan! You know really well how to interest us readers! :D (Can't wait for more!)
Hi kenza! I'm really glad you enjoy this series!
DeleteI really enjoy watching her videos and similar tutorials and happy mail shares! They're great for inspiration, I hope you like them too! The next colouring quest post should be coming soon once I've started up a little secret project that you'll find out about soon! I'm definitely getting some more TofuCute products soon but I'm just planning out what I want to get, there's so much choice! xD Yes, I think it's a great magazine! I used to buy TopModel every month (which I still think is great but perhaps a little young for me now) but now I tend to get Dapne's Diary which has a wider range of creative projects in it. To get fashion design inspiration I also read Vogue.
No I haven't heard of kawaiisweetworld on YouTube up until now but she sounds like an awesome YouTuber. I will take a look at her channel. Disney Style sounds good too, I like to see 'disney-bounding' videos where people create disney inspired outfits so I think I will enjoy your recommendation.
Thank you kenza!
OMG awesome idea!
Thank you, I'm glad you like my idea for a blog series that I came up with. :D