Handmade Teacup Bookmark:
Here's a goodie I made for a penpal. It was for a teaparty themed flipbook that I was making, so I thought it would be perfect! I chose a spare piece of scrapbook paper to make this with. First of all I drew out an outline of a teacup and cut it out, then I used my stamps to create a pattern of the word 'read', after this I punched a hole in the top with a hole punch and finally I attached a piece of string to the bookmark which had a teabag shape attached to it. The string would hang out of the side of a book so you could easily pull it out to get back to reading! By the way, the bits of tape of the photo aren't part of the bookmark!xD

Pretty Gift Tags:
The next item I have to show you are these gorgeous gift tags. I found these particular ones at The Works which had a set of three designs which I think look very boho chic! You can find gift tags in most shops, perhaps you could look in craft shops or card shops? I also love the look of handmade gift tags that I see crafters make! If you want to try making your own gift tags as a goodie for your penpal, you could layer scrapbook papers, washi tape, stickers or any other craft supplies you have to spare.
Lots of people love to receive tea because it's nice to try something new! If you do send tea, then I recommend that you choose something really interesting! The teabag in the picture is a chai tea teabag (this is a great tea for Autumn/Winter and is one of my favourites). This way, your penpal will appreciate the thought behind your unique tea. My chai tea was a Twinings one. The great thing about sending tea is that it is sort of an edible item, which is a type of item you can't normally send, but it is very flat so can be sent easily! You don't have to worry about it melting like chocolate which is always a plus!
Handmade Stickers:
I love to handmake the goodies I send when possible so this is a fun idea! To make my own stickers I take a sheet of sticker paper/label paper and just start drawing! Alternatively, sometimes I print out pictures onto the sheet if I feel like having a more professional looking sticker. In this photo, you can see some teapot and cupcake designs that I drew with black and pastel coloured gel pens. I liked doodling the day away, trying to perfect my mini drawings! I tried out different patterns on each teapot-do you like them? Also, these were for that teaparty themed flipbook that I chatted about earlier!
Decopague pieces:
If you're sending a letter to someone crafty, then you could send them things to craft with. This goodie idea is to send decopague pieces that your penpal can layer to create a kind of 3D picture. There are two types of decopague the first one is the one that I was just talking about (layering pictures until they sort of pop up and look 3D) and the other type of decopague is where you tear up tissue paper (or special decopague) and glue the pieces onto an item.
Handmade Hairclips:
Sometimes I like to send handmade hairclips to penpals. These weren't actually made by me, they were made by Heartfelty (click this link to see her business). However, you can try making your own hairclips if you want! you just need plain clips and crafting supplies such as felt, thread or buttons. Once you've made your design (this one is a teacup design) then you just need to sew it to the clip securely with thread.
Sticky Notes:
Sticky notes are cheap, easy to send yet brilliant goodies that your recipient will appreciate. Most of the time, people will just send 'sticky note samples' of their favourite designs because they want to share them with friends. But you could send a whole pack of sticky notes if you're feeling particularly generous! On this picture, you can see some sticky note samples that were sent to me! I adore the ones on the left because they're so vintage! By the way, sorry that some of the photos are a little blurry, my phone wasn't co-operating! It struggles to focus sometimes!
Handmade Simply Shaped Bookmark:
If you don't feel like making a teacup shaped bookmark, you could make a simply shaped bookmark instead. This is a more traditionally shaped bookmark and is easier to make! This bookmark was sent to me in a flipbook and I really appreciate that they handmade it. I think that they used watercolour to decorate it! I love the pastel colours they chose! There are so many variations of this that you can make. Make it any way you like! This one has corners that are cut at an angle so it could also be made into a gift label if you punched a hole into it and threaded a thread into it!
Project Life Cards:
Project life cards are really great for scrapbooking or creating happy mail with! Unfortunately I haven't found any in shops in the UK, the ones in the picture were sent as a gift. Do any of you know where to buy project life cards in the UK? I would really appreciate your help! I love the colour combination of coral pink and gold on some of these, it's beautiful! You can get project life cards in several sizes so you could use it for several different projects. I'm not sure what the original use of project life cards was or what they're intended to be used for but I use them for anything and everything (or will do when I find them)!
Temporary Tattoos:
Temporary tattoos bring the fun of real tattoos but without the commitment! They're great to wear for a special occasion or party because they are a great alternative to jewellery/accessories. The reason they're perfect to send to penpals is because they are so thin! No extra postage costs! Yippee! There are so many designs to choose from ranging from animals to metallic feathers so you pick out what you think your penpal would like best! These ones in the photo that were sent to me, are metallic bracelet ones!
Washi Tape Samples:
These are my favourite types of goodies to send and receive because I have such an extensive collection of washi tape! It's just so quick and easy to use (and don't forget how super pretty it is)! All you need to do to put together some washi samples, is grab a gift tag, playing card or any sturdy piece of card, then wrap around some washi tape several times. When your letter reaches your penpal then they just unwrap the tape and use it any way they would like to! In this photo the two samples on the left were sent to me and the sample on the right is a goodie from me!
Another cute idea is to send a notebook in the post! You'll have to choose quite a thin, small notebook to fit in the envelope, it might still cost you more than usual because a notebook obviously is thicker than just one piece of paper (most of the other goodies mentioned in this post are a similar thickness to one of two pieces of paper). I bought a set of three small, thin notebooks at a poundshop. There were three cute designs: polka dots, floral pattern and a London pattern! I thought it was quite a bargain so bought it straight away! Here in the photo is one of them in a polka dot design! Penpals can use notebooks for lots of things such as: sketching, creative writing or journalling.
Origami is a creative papercraft that anyone can have a go at because there are many ways to fold paper ranging from very easy to complex. I love receiving origami because it shows that the sender has made something especially for me! This origami in the photo was especially cool because it was an origami balloon. An origami balloon can be blown up to look like a balloon or lantern! How fun? It's an awesome idea, I have actually learned how to make origami balloons since receiving this one so I can send them to people too! I think I'll try to improve my origami skills so I can make anything I can think of!

Earlier I talked about handmade hairclips but if you crafting isn't your thing, you could send hairclips that you bought instead. I absolutely love these hairclips that my penpal sent me! I wear the bow most days to school because it's so cute!Hairclips are great to send because they can be kept forever and used over and over again unlike craft supplies. Hair accessories are some of my favourite things so this was a perfect goodie for me!

Stickers are simply great! One of the other goodie ideas I mentioned in this post were handmade stickers but if you don't don't have sticker/label paper you can give these instead. Sticker sheets are sold in most craft and stationery shops and are affordable. As a sticker enthusiast, I can tell you that stickers are a great goodie to receive! They're also a nice size to send in the post. These stickers were sent to me and I believe that they're illustrated by Nick Sharrat who illustrates for Jacqueline Wilson so were probably form the Jacqueline Wilson magazine. Magazines often come with little gifts which are perfect as goodies for penpals so I reccommend using them!
I hope I've inspired you all to send a nice letter and goodies to someone! Penpalling is such a fun, rewarding hobby to have and I am thankful to all of my lovely penpals! By the way, sorry if I didn't mention one of your goodies that you sent me, a gorgeous letter just arrived to me in the mail with cute goodies that I love but I had already chosen 15 photos (I thought this post was already really long ha-ha)! I wonder how many times I have said the words 'penpal' and 'goodies' during this post. Has anyone been counting? xD
Over to you...
What goodie ideas do you have or what was your favourite goodie that you received? Or do you not get happy mail? Let me know in the comments!
I love receiving all your goodies and am really happy you liked the hairclips! Has my next letter arrived, yet? I sent it a while ago :)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy getting them! Yes it has, sorry that I didn't e-mail you when it arrived! I love everything you've sent to me (your letter is the one I'm talking about near the end). :D
ReplyDeleteI just found your blog, and I'm really loving it! I have a pen pal in Spain, and this post has inspired me to write a letter to her with one of these little gifts inside. You are so good at art, by the way!
Kisses, Rose
Hi Rose! I'm so glad that you are enjoying my blog! It's good to hear that I have inspired you, what did you choose to send her? Thank you! I'll take a look at your blog soon! :)
DeleteThis was such an interesting post to read Megan! Ahh I'm feeling super inspired right now!! xD
ReplyDeleteReceiving goodies makes me so excited too! I really like how you've picked out a couple of your favourite examples and described/pointed out their uses for each of them! These gifts are so cute and practical to send for happy mail. :D
The handmade teacup bookmark really inspires me! The theme is super cute too... a teaparty theme, what a wonderful idea! :D The bookmark is so clever too, the way the string hangs out of the side of the book, just like a real teabag!~ Gosh, those gift tags look so beautiful! I'll look out for them next time I go to The Works! I love that The Works have an amazing supply of arty products all for reasonable prices!~ I would have never thought to send teabags! That's such a cool idea omigosh. xD I should try chai tea! Have you ever tried green tea btw? Tea is definitely a great alternative to chocolate to send in the post!~ The handmade stickers is also a brilliant idea!! Your stickers are super cute! <3 It just reminded me, I remember going to France on holiday once and buying a pack of these really cute stickers (there are a lot of French artists that have a really cute, delicate style in their artwork!) so if I find them, perhaps I could use them in happy mail! :D Or even now I realise I could make my own!~ xD I really, really like the decoupage idea as well!! Do you mean the method where they add those squares of sticky back foam thing to make it 3D? I forgot the name! xD So cute!~
I knew that the handmade hairclips were made by Heartfelty because they remind me of the adorable pineapple brochure! Gosh, I love those clips SO much! They're so beautiful! Funny because recently I was thinking about redesigning some plain hairclips I had for a DIY tutorial but I didn't really know what to decorate them with! xD This has inspired me - thank you!!~
Hi kenza! Thank you so much for your amazing comment, I wasn't having a great day but your comment cheered me up! I'm delighted that I have inspired you! :D
DeleteI loved making the teaparty themed flipbook, I was meant to send it out a while ago but the swap never went ahead so I've still got it. I'm going to film a video of it before I send it out to someone else so you'll be able to see the whole thing with all the goodies and decorations! I got the idea for the teacup bookmark from pinterest by the way and I thought it would be great for this project! Yes, The Works is a great, affordable shop! I go there all the time. Also, The Range is a good place to find decently priced craft and art supplies! Chai tea is amazing so eyah you should definitely try it! No, I haven't tried green tea by itself-do you like it though? However, I've tried a green tea lemonade from Starbucks (I didn't really like it though, that was probably because I didn't like the combination though). Thank you, I love making my own stickers! I was wondering, would you like to be my penpal? We don't have to write very often (I have quite a few letters to reply to) but it would be nice to send each other little goodies and write to each other! If you would like to, we can swap details on megansmegablog@gmail.com! Yes, that's the method! :D
That sounds like a fun DIY project! I'd love to see what you do with them (if you do make them)
I guess project life cards are kind of like greetings cards except they don't open and they don't have to be for an occasion like a birthday or whatever! That's a good idea (to sue them to decorate your room), I never thought of that! Once I finally get round to tidying my room, I'll be putting up new decorations so I could use these! I also used to use temporary tattoos as a kid! I loved wearing them for Halloween or parties but now I wear them whenever I feel like it! :D I don't really know where to buy them since the big packs I have were both gifts. But one is from the company TopModel so you could look them up maybe? Also, there are some free Halloween ones with the newest TopModel magazine I think. I don't really buy the magazine anymore but I'm tempted just for those! xD Yes, they do sell some washi tape in The Works. Infact there's a cute lacy one and a few Christmas ones! If we write to each other, I can send you some washi tape samples of mine! I'm so glad you're still enjoying looking at my letter! <3 I agree, notebooks are really useful. I must have at least 10 in my room hehe! xD
I'm not amazing at origami at the moment but I wish I was! I still have fun trying it out sometimes though! I have a beautiful little book from Japan with little tutorials and gorgeous papers! I've had it for a while, I've kind of been treasuring it instead of using it! I haven't tried putting water in the balloons yet but that would be a great activity for next Summer! I'll have a little search for that teacup holder soon! I love my bow clip! I think I'll be looking for more clips too. :)
Ohmygosh that's funny! x'D I knew I wrote it a few times but not 17 and 11! :O Bookmarks and drawings still sound like lovely goodies-I'm sure they loved them! Drawings is actually something I should have mentioned in this, because I send those sometimes too! Like the butterfly from my new post!
Thanks again for your awesome comment-I'll go reply to your other one now! :D :D :D
(Blogger seems to have a character limit so I'm posting the rest of the comment here if that's okay! Gosh sorry if this got too long, I'm a bit of a chatterbox! xD) Totally agree about the sticky notes too! Ahh the vintage one looks so chic! I have a collection of butterfly/flower post-it notes that I use for gifts sometimes so they'd be perfect~ That handmade bookmark is amazing! The blend of purple/pink and blue pastel colours there is gorgeous. Kudos to the person who made it!~ <3
ReplyDeleteI've never actually heard of project life cards but now I have a desire to buy some! xD They look like the kind of thing you might find in Temptation Gifts or Clintons maybe? I'm not sure to be honest! xD But I'll look out for them! (They look like the sort of items you could put on display for a nice effect in your room? :D) ~
Temporary tattoos are so fun! 8D I remember I used to have so many of them but haven't seen them around much lately... do you know of any shops that sell them?~ Oh gosh I wish I had washi tape - it's currently on my wishlist! xD (Do you happen to know if they sell it in The Works...?) Ooh I recognise the zigzag gold/whie one! It's on the envelope of the card you sent me! 8D (I love it so much - I always go and take a look at it. xD)~ The mini notebooks also sound like a great gift to send! They're also really practical for sketching in while you're out since they're so lightweight. C: The polka dots design looks so cute!~ <3
Ahh I remember when I used to do origami all the time! (I was well known for being a master at it. xD) Unfortunately I think I've forgotten how to do a lot of them since I haven't done it for a while! D: But origami is so fun - I need to find some time to do it again! (I have so many sets! xD) Origami balloons were definitely on my favourite list... since you can blow them up and fill with water to make a water bomb! x'D And the teacup theme just reminded me... there's this origami craft, a teacup holder, that I used to make all the time. It's not too hard and the result is super cool! (Maybe a search in Google will have it? Just in case you're interested! ^^)~ Aw, the bow clip is super adorable! I need to look out for those! ;3
I think I'm also a sticker enthusiast! ;D And gosh yes Nick Sharrat's illustrations for Jacqueline Wilson are superb, like the Tracy Beaker ones! :D
Why of course, I'm most definitely inspired now! I'm feeling a sense of motivation to get started in happy mail.
Since you mentioned it, CTRL + F showed me that you used "penpal" eighteen times and "goodies" eleven times. I'm laughing! xD
In the past, I personally have handcrafted bookmarks to send to my friend at Christmas/on their birthdays! Most of the time I crafted my own design around a free bookmark from the library. I also like drawing pictures to send to them! But these goodies are inspiring me to try out other ideas too! Overall, I think I really like the handcrafted teacup bookmark and the handcrafted hairclips but they're all super cool!
Looking forward to seeing more happy mail posts! <3
Hi Megan!
ReplyDeleteThis comment is going to be quite long, I'm a total chatterbox when it comes to commenting on awesome posts!
This post really made me want to start happy mail, and I am going to begin penpalling soon. I understand that you are really busy, but do you know anybody else who could be my penpal? I want to write to someone creative, inventive and a similar age to me. The handmade teacup bookmark is so cool! I am going to begin making handmade bookmarks and I was wondering where you can get pretty paper for a decent price? I know that there is a brand called Martha Stewart (or something like that) which sells patterned paper, but hey are very expensive and I am looking for something cheaper. The gift tags are really cute too! :D The hair clips are really nice,
Hi! Sorry for really late replies by the way, I was given a crazy amount of homework over the holidays so I haven't checked up on my blog for a while! The two bloggers that I previously penpalled with were Rosie who used to have a blog called rosiemaearoha and Beth May (who I know you've heard of) and I would have recommended those two since they seem to fit your description. But neither seem to be active (online) anymore so they'd be difficult to get in touch with. I'm sorry that I'm being no real help with your ambition of penpalling! The other penpals that I've had are my family members who live a few hours away from me, so perhaps you have family members like that? I know they wouldn't be a similar age to yourself (unless you write to a cousin) but it might be a start until you find another penpal? I didn't find a penpal of my age for a while either. Thank you! It was fun to craft! I think The Works is a great place for affordable papers but I also like to shop at The Range (which can be a bit more expensive, but there's a few affordable paper packs too). But sometimes just plain paper you've decorated can look good or newspaper. Thanks again for commenting! :D